Saturday, May 15, 2010

Canal Street Shopping

I decided to be brave and venture down to Canal Street on my own this week! It was quite an adventure. I took the subway down to China Town and had no clue where I was going when I got off! I started walking and once I saw people walking towards me with those classic black plastic bags I knew I was going in the right direction. I wandered up and down the streets in and out of the little shops looking at all the purses, sunglasses, scarfs, I  NY gear (you can get literally anything with the logo on it!), and so much more! I stopped at a table to look at Buddah statues and was asked if I wanted a glass pipe as he was opening up a container to show me them he quickly whispered "I got the good stuff, you want some" ..umm no thanks! I found (and bought) a cute black purse for $35 that I got down to $25! I wasn't looking to buy anything (even though I did), I was just on the search to find where they sell the really good knock offs so I would know for future trips! I wasn't having any luck! Everyone says that they have the best ones there and so many but I wasn't finding any! There seemed to be way more in LA at the garment district! As I was about to give up on the purse hunt I started to figure it out. I found myself in the "scarf" room of a large shop with mysterious little rooms all covered up just walking around to find the exit. I found the Chanel purses! They weren't the best knock offs but at least I was getting closer! That was until they started saying "hurry, police are coming, hurry" and started closing all the doors and rushing everyone out! I kept walking and was in the back of another store when the lady asked if I wanted Juicy or Chanel...after checking up and down the street for cops and having her "lookouts" on the street she opened up a locked cabinet to show me the goods! The Juicy bags weren't what I was looking for so I asked if she had any leather. After waiting a few minutes for the coast to be clear she hurried and opened another locked cabinet and ripped open a bag with a Chanel leather purse in it! I only got to hold in for a few seconds before she had to hurry and put it away so the police wouldn't see it! From what I got to see the quality was pretty good but I didn't buy since I didn't really get a chance to check it out...and had already bought a black purse! Walking back to the subway I finally listened to the voices I had been ignoring the whole day..the shady guys on the street saying "Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton" I asked what they were selling and the snuck me a laminated card with pictures of Louis Vuitton bags for me to look at. I followed him across the street (I'm pretty sure to avoid the cops) so we could talk. I wanted to get a small wallet because I actually have been wanting one and also so I could see the quality but unfortunately he didn't have any! He started calling to his other friends but I didn't want it that badly so I just walked away! I got back on the subway and even found a quicker way home! Now I feel a little more prepared for when visitors come and want to do some shopping! 


Lindsey Pinegar said...

OH MY GOSH! I can't wait to go! Thanks for risking your life to explore...all in the name of a knock off Chanel! Can't wait to visit...we STILL miss you!

Karen said...

WOW ... braver than me .. I always take Aunt Michelle!!

Chelsea said...

You are already such a New Yorker... I love that you just walked away! I can't wait to come visit!

Susie said...

You were so brave- and you didn't even take Karma for protection! Love the black purse- what 5 things did you get rid of so you could fit it in your apartment???